How we use your medical records

Important information for patients

• This practice handles medical records in-line with laws on data protection and confidentiality.

• We share information only when the law requires us to do so, for example, to prevent infectious diseases from spreading or to check the care being provided to you is safe.

• You have the right to be given a copy of your medical record.

• You have the right to object to your medical records being shared with those who provide you with care.

• You have the right to object to your information being used for medical research and to plan health services.

• You have the right to have any mistakes corrected and to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office. Please see the practice privacy notice on the website or speak to a member of staff for more information about your rights.

• For more information ask at reception for a leaflet OR visit our website

Acupuncture can often be helpful in the treatment of insomnia


Insomnia is a very common sleep complaint .Approximately 10-20% of the general population suffer from some form of insomnia,which is often accompanied by distress and daytime impairment.The treatment of insomnia using drugs is a potential concern as abuse,dependence and adverse side effects are common.
Acupuncture alone or combined with ear acupuncture are amongst the safest and most popular of the complementary therapies used in the treatment of insomnia.
A recent clinical trial published by a group at the department of psychiatry in Hong Kong showed that acupuncture was safe, acceptable to patients and associated with improvements in insomnia,anxiety and depressive symptoms and daytime sleepiness for up to 13 weeks after treatment.

Hayfever and acupuncture

Many people will be anticipating  the discomfort and nuisance caused by Hayfever.

Allergic response of the body to pollens can be very miserable and debilitating but did you know that it may be possible to relieve, reduce or even eradicate the symptoms entirely through Acupuncture?

A short course of treatment may be well worth trying. Please contact me if you wish to discuss this further.

Focus on Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a very unpleasant long term and and disabling condition which causes patients to suffer a multitude of symptoms including widespread pain, extreme tiredness, difficulty in sleeping, headaches and problems with memory and concentration.

A recent trial,published in the British Medical Journal,  to evaluate the effectiveness of acupuncture in patients with Fibromyalgia concluded that it was a useful treatment to reduce pain when compared with placebo treatments. This effect persisted for one year during the trial. Side effects were mild and infrequent.

For further details please click here.

Please contact me if you wish to discuss this further.

Sports Injuries and Acupuncture

As the weather improves, many of us are taking to the bicycle or starting to run, perhaps for general fitness or with specific competitive goals in mind. After the winter break it is all too easy to acquire injuries as the muscles are persuaded back into action.

Acupuncture can help to relieve pain and swelling and promote healing in situations such as these helping you to get back on track with the training programme.



To find out more about treating Sports Injuries Click here.